We create spaces
that spark off emotions.

It is a way of looking,
a way of understanding things,
of seeking the essence.


To achieve our final goal we allow ourselves to be guided by intuition. We like working in a resolved and practical way, but without ever losing sight of the space over which we are going to work since this space, in its own right, has its own “personality”.

We like challenges, to be able to simplify what is complex and be able to turn chaos into something functional yet beautiful, which guarantees the success of the end result.

This is our philosophy.

Who are we?

Sandra Soler Studio is the evolution of Mésdissey, the interior design studio created in 2006 by Sandra Soler and whose work, always undertaken with the desire to be the referent in interior design, has been recognised by many specialised publications that have written many articles to our projects.

We are proud to see that many of
the clients who have trusted in us repeat
and understand design as a profitable asset.

Our services

The studio has extensive experience in developing interior design projects of shops and restaurants, projects for the hotel industry, offices, temporary spaces and homes.

Sandra Soler Studio now also offers an integral service that covers all the development stages of the project, from the concept to its realisation, going through the interior design, architecture and landscaping as well as all the technical aspects, budgets and permits. To achieve this we have external collaborators as well as trusted constructors.

Our clients

  • Ausa
  • Alineastudio
  • Amida
  • L'Artesà
  • Armengol
  • Arròs i Peix
  • Atlàtida 2
  • Casa Riera Ordeix
  • Carrocerías Ayats
  • Cals R
  • Cadirafina
  • Cambra de Barcelona
  • Casadevall Export
  • Can Rita
  • Can Camps
  • Casadecor
  • Casa Fàbregas
  • Centre Oftolmologia VSK
  • Construccions Compte
  • Coimpex
  • Currius & Associats
  • Duo
  • Els Caçadors
  • El Bruguer
  • El Crosanet
  • Engiaux
  • Floristeria Aràlia
  • Glam
  • Homs
  • JCM Technologies
  • Embotits JP
  • Mams
  • Mas Uniformes
  • MK estilistes
  • Montanyà
  • Movetia
  • Méskabells
  • La Coca de Folgueroles
  • La Parada
  • La Tintoreria
  • Lineargent
  • L'indià
  • Luis Godoy Perruquer
  • Laser System
  • Grup Vilar Riba
  • Inteplast
  • Ocapi
  • Rambla 35
  • Patapam
  • Parquets Vic
  • Pimall
  • Pahi Barcelona
  • MC Advertising & Reclam
  • RS Arquitectura
  • SLA Paris
  • Servycat
  • Saheco
  • Suki Design Studio
  • Takumi
  • Topcret
  • Technotraf
  • Vilar Riba
  • Vioko
  • Perruqueria Coolors
  • Laura Folgarolas
  • La Baumeta
  • Raquel Foz Perruqueria
  • U de Rambla